Season 4 Episode 50
Carrie asks: "No matter how hard we look, do we ever see ourselves clearly?"
I could ask this question over and over again, and I think I will get the same answer every time. Who really sees themselves clearly? It is every woman's dream to wake up, not look in the mirror, not one time, get dressed and walk out the door and be totally content. And if you do see yourself "clearly" can you do it without pointing out the flaws that you think you have?
Ladies, we are our toughest critics. Even if your men think we are the moon and the sun, we will still beat ourselves down. I think the first step in this process, of seeing yourself clearly, is to accept whatever flaws you think you have. Write them down on a piece of paper. List them all out, you can stare in the mirror if you haven't completely memorized them by now. Once you spotted everything, take that piece of paper and light it on fire. A safe fire of course, I don't want the fire department to get mad at me.
Get rid of the paper because you don't need it. All those "flaws" are what make you unique, beautiful, special and those flaws are probably the best thing about you. Now, if you are one of those women who think they have absolutely no flaws, then I'm here to tell you, THAT is your biggest flaw.
No one is perfect, although we would all like to believe we are, it is just not true. Growing up I faced so many people who teased me. One day, when my confidence was particularly high for a 16 year old, this girl came up to me with a note. She said, "This is from that guy over there." I opened the note, and it read, "You are so ugly." HA! I can laugh now, but then I just swallowed really hard and walked away.
That was just high school, I can't even tell you what I went through in middle school. Viewing yourself clearly is a hard thing to do. But women, we need to have confidence. And not that fake confidence, where we put on a slutty dress and try to attract as many guys as we can, because that makes us feel good about ourselves. I mean true confidence. The kind that comes from the inside, and shines on the outside without you having to do anything special. The real me, right now, is a person who has her soul so wide open because even though I am unemployed at the moment I know that a job doesn't define me. Even though my boyfriend loves me more than words can express, a man doesn't define me. The real me has confidence, I walk with my head up high, because nothing can define me, but me. No matter what people think or say, they don't define me. That is the real me. Wide open and not afraid of anything in life. What about you?
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