In the season finale of Sex and the City, Carrie's finale words were, "The most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you find someone to love the you you love, well that's just fabulous."
Fast forward 4 years, and we're at the movies! Did Ms. Bradshaw find her love? Is everyone truly happy? I'm not going to give too much away, just my overall thoughts. My girls and I went to see the film, along with each theater's maximum capacity at every possible hour. Sold out! Sold out was not the word for it. After going to a two theaters, we ended up at the Grove/ farmer's market. Waited in line for half an hour. Every woman there was dressed to the nines, in their stilettos, dresses and Carriesque styles. Only something this big could bring all of these women together, the long awaited film, which somehow represents all of us in one way or another, and excitement is the only word I could describe as I waited along with hundreds of others.
Fashion - Patricia Field has once again filled our minds with Manolo Blahniks, Versace, Dior and fabulous couture. Rumor has it that the fashions for this film alone costs a mere $700,000, but it could have easily costs more. My favorites from the film include, Carrie's Vivienne Westwood wedding gown, which made this pessimistic girl on big weddings, want to walk down the aisle. Best line on the dress, "Its the dress...it turned our wedding list of 75 to 201." Yes, the dress did have that much power.

Samantha's yellow, flowing cut-out dress that she wore in Mexico, which went perfect with her

One movie spoiler, Mr. Big proposes with a pair of Manolo's, how perfect is that. Bravo Ms. Field, bravo on all the fashion. She knows her girls well.
Sex- Not enough sex in the film for my liking. If you're looking for the sex from the series, it is very minimal. I was surprised at Samantha's lack of sex, but I'm sure Kim Cattrall wanted to be a class act for the film. It is 4 years later after all. However, her pervertedness for her sexy, exotic looking, neighbors many sexual encounters is arousing. He had a new girl every night, and sometimes two women at a time. Now that is sexy.
Drama- There was no shortage of drama in the film. There were the typical ups and downs that the women experienced in the series. But they are wiser now, they know what to expect. And even if love has blinded them, they were quick to bounce back in the film. The one thing that threw me for a loop, is Carrie's sulking. Something that was never seen in the series. I was not at all prepared for that. It is heartbreaking seeing a strong, independent woman like her sulk. In the end, these women got exactly what they wanted. They demanded it, and let their guards down a little. Overall they showed vulnerability in their tough times, similar to the way they did series. Life is about making choices, but its also about pleasing yourself by not settling. These women did not settle, not one bit. Best line on the drama: "You two could run the world," Carrie told Miranda and Samantha.
Love- This movie shows love in every possible way. The love of one's child, one's friends and one's relationship, but it also shows the aspect of love that many go through, but don't see on a regular basis. That is fighting for the love you want and believe in. Fighting for what you care about and need and want. That is the true test of love, and these girls had to fight and struggle over the last 10 years.
Big & Carrie - their love is genuine and not for show. Their love is for themselves and they hold it close to their hearts. They are not showoffs and love should not be about showing off. Love is a private feeling, true love glows and shows whether you want it to our not. Love is not glamorous and glitzy, and Big and Carrie know that. They are the true epitome of true love.
Miranda & Steve - they reserved all of their love for their son but somehow forgot to show each other that they love one another. There are too many couples that stay together because they love their children. I understand that having kids is tough, but you can't forget what produced that child, and that is love. The love of one another.
Charlotte & Harry - love everyone. They are the giving couple. Their love crosses boundaries, religion, countries and all. They have a great balance of love for all. Balance and love should go hand and hand. Having a relationship should not be too over bearing. There needs to be balance.
Samantha & Smith Jerrod - seem to love materialistic items. They can't get past what is on the outside to reach the inside. An inadamant object is not going to love you back. That $60,000 diamond ring represents what now? Your love? Really? I don't buy it. You can't buy love, its priceless, no amount of money could ever prove someone's love for me.
All and all... I laughed, I cried and I loved. It was just perfect, not too much and not too little.
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