In episode three, Carrie wondered; “Is there a secret cold war between marrieds and singles?” Although Ms. Bradshaw had these thoughts 10 years ago, the question can definitely still be asked today. I believe there is a Cold war between the two. Married couples seem to want to avoid single people at all cost, as if they are diseased. Once couples marry they are all of a sudden segregated from any and all other people, unless they are also married. When couples marry, things change, no one can understand unless they too are married. Friends that you were able to just stop by their house to hang out anytime, without calling now say, “We’re married now, you can’t just come by unannounced.” People who would be out at the bars every Friday night are now saying, “My husband and/or wife just wants to stay home and play card games or board games,” or “married people can’t go to bars.” What does that even mean? And I know you’re married now; I was at the freaking wedding…so we can’t hang out or talk because of it. All of sudden you can’t have fun anymore? I start wondered why people say things won’t change once they get married, when in fact they do change. People act different once they’re married. I don’t know if it’s just the title of “marriage” that makes people not want to hang out with their single friends or family members. The worse is when your married friends start judging you for being single, and judging your choices in life because you are single. “We could never spend $3500 on a television; we’re married now, etc…” You get my point. Being married is like being apart of an exclusive club, where you can’t join without spending $20,000 on a bullshit wedding. If that is the only way that I can have my married friends, then I think I will have to let them go for the time being. I have a few friends who got married within the last year and they have definitely changed. I understand the honeymoon stage that people want to be alone and all, but does that mean you can’t even talk to your single friends, to say hi, how are you doing? How is life? Singles are FORGOTTEN. A lot of my single friends feel ignored, and isolated from our married friends. My solution is for all the single friends to get together and form our own exclusive club, we will more than likely out number the marrieds, and we can kidnap and lynch them. I’m just joking… :) Marrieds probably feel like they need to play the role of an adult, like their parents, who don’t associate with single people that often. So until the day I decide to get married, I will have to do with being ignored. I can’t remember now if Carrie found a solution to her problem, but mine is: Singles and marrieds just can’t mingle.
Bay of Married Pigs originally aired June 21, 1998. For more information on the episode click on the link below which will take you to Imdb.com
1 comment:
when is the movie coming out
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