We're doing the biggest loser at work, to kick off the new year. Everyone set their goals, weight goals or just how we want to look in our clothes. My goal was to be the same size I was Summer 2006. We decided to do our weigh in at the end of the every month, instead of once a week. Once a week weigh-ins are too stressful.
E and I are going to Florida and to Hawaii this year, so I need to look decent in a bikini. Not that I would look bad now, but I want to get back down to 120lbs. That was what I was a few years ago, and I liked being that size. However I will settle for 125. My boyfriend thinks I'm crazy for wanting to loose weight, and so does everyone else, but I feel like I need to be comfortable. Just because someone looks skinny, doesn't mean they are happy with the way they look in a bikini. Being bikini ready takes a lot of work. Lots of cardio, ab work, and a little bit of weight lifting, as well as squats for my thighs and calves. I like to look toned all around, not just toned abs or arms. I think everything should be equal, even with guys. I hate guys that are scrawny or they have too many muscles, just in their arms, and the rest of them is skinny or out of shape.
I think women should be like that too. Unfortunately guys loose weight so much quicker than women. Well its unfortunate for me, because my boyfriend lost 16lbs since September. And its not that I am not happy for him, but I have gone up and down loosing 1 to 2lbs here and there. Its so frustrating for me, to loose weight. I don't have much weight to loose, but the little bit that I want to loose is taking forever. I'm also planning on cutting out sugar and carbs for one day a week. I'm thinking Sundays, because when I'm home, I don't really eat that much. I don't start eating everything in the fridge, believe it or not. I try to stay busy, and do other things on Sundays. Its my relaxing day.
I know a lot of people make loosing weight their main new year's resolution, but they don't stick to it. So I didn't plan that to be my resolution, but I just want to do it for me, and for my vacations/bikini's.
It was about four months ago when I ran into an old friend of mine at Starbucks and he told me about an amazing product that surpresses the appetiteand burns fat cells. Well I said here we go again. I have tried pills.diet shakes, and special meals. Of course nothing seem to help long term. I kept an open mindsince this one was unique and had three government pattents. I thought maybe this is the one to help me get rid of those stubron pounds. My friend Mike told methis product took ten years to develop. The herbs and vitamins had to have cynergy and taste great. It also came with a money back guarantee. I felt I had nothing to lose but weight. Now four months later I am at my weight of 30 years ago. I am 6' and weigh 235. Not bad since four months before I was 290. Went from a 42 waist to a 38. I accomplished this with very little exercise and still ate what ever I wanted. I made a voul to share this life changing product with every one I meet. I cal it MIRACLE ON A STICK Malcolm
just wanted to say have a blessed new year
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