I wake up every night
Hot from the summer nights
Sweating, sweat dripping down my face
Like the condensation from bottled water as it heats up
Every night the same time
I have to stand in front of the freezer sometimes
It doesn’t matter if I sleep in the nude or not
I put the fan right in front of my face
Throw the sheets off
Rotate my pillows in search of the coolest one
Drink a glass of ice water
Anything to deal with the heat
During these hot summer nights there are so many
Words are plaguing me from the moment I open my eyes
The words radiate the heat, like steam from boiled water
The bubbles are the words, rising to the surface of my body
As the sweat drips down, it’s the words leaking from
My mind
I’m creating stories, movies, screenplays any and everything
During these hot summer nights
Then I don’t want to go to sleep, until I finish the story
In my mind
Every single last word must go through my mind before
I can close my eyes again
I don’t want to forget anything in the morning
Not a single word
Every night during the hot summer
I wake up
With words leaking out
And I wonder where these words are during the day
I can’t think of anything after
I have to start writing in the morning or else I’m doomed until the next summer night heat wave that rolls through my body like a rolling earthquake
chk this
very good
like it a lot
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