The down low for the younger generation
Karen Smith*, 23, recent college graduate thought she was in a perfect relationship. Jason Gold*, 25, a basketball player, handsome, and charming, she was a cheerleader the perfect high school romance in college. They started dating 2 ½ years ago, spending every moment together. The sex was incredible; the chemistry out of this world, but things took a turn when she found out some shocking news last January.
He is bi-sexual? “I heard rumors from our mutual friend/his roommate. He told me there were pictures to prove it,” Karen told me. She didn’t believe a word of it, but she confronted Jason anyways. He didn’t deny that he was bi-sexual but he also didn’t admit to it.
“I invested 2 years with him. I mean he was my boyfriend, and now I don’t know what to think. He can cheat on me with a woman or a man.”
But the thing is that, Jason didn’t consider it cheating if he slept with another man, because there was no emotional attachment.
Karen remained with Jason for a few months after, because she wanted to further investigate the reason why this man, who she loved and care for, could all of a sudden be interested in men. The more she questioned him about this secret of his, the more he began to give up information.
He told her that there is a whole secret world of men on the down low. He even pointed out ‘secret man date’ to her while they were out one night. “You see those two guys, they’re on a secret date.”
According to Jason, you can tell that two men are on a secret date based on the distance they stand away from each other, the uncomfortableness of their actions/movements, and the fact that they appear like heterosexual men, by staring at women.
The official definition of a secret man date, and I hope I get this right because Karen explained it to me. But apparently it is when two men, go out on a date, which could appear completely normal, like two guys just hanging out, but the difference is, their secret attraction to one another. There is sexual tension between them, think Brokeback Mountain for a moment, if you will. At the end of their “secret” date, they go home and fuck each other, and return to their regular lives, no doubt to a possible relationship with a woman, as if nothing happened at all.
Karen is one of my best friends, so I promised her I would expose this interesting phenomenon. Now I know that men on the down low is old, but I feel like there are more and more younger men, mostly African Americans that are participating in this unacceptable behavior. Don’t think that I have anything against homosexual men, because I party with them, and I love them, hell I live in West Hollywood. But I don’t appreciate the deception. I don’t believe that Jason intentionally deceived Karen, I just think he is very confused.
If you like men, fine, if you like women, fine, and if you want to pull a Tila Tequila, no problem, its your prerogative. But you need to be open with the person that you’re dating, and this is across the board, to heterosexual relationships too.
The fact that she thought this man was her boyfriend, and then to find out that he deceived her is unfair. The situation wouldn’t be better if he cheated with a woman, but its just shocking that men so young are doing this.
In search of a secret man date, Karen and I went out to do some research of our own. We wanted to see if we could spot these secret dates. How many straight men in relationships are doing this? Sleeping with women and men without their girlfriend’s knowing? Going on dates with men? Your boyfriend’s best friend could be his lover and you would have no clue.
Karen and I thought we found a date, these two men at a bar, seems pretty normal. They were watching the game, but they didn’t seem comfortable around each other. One of them seemed really nervous, he kept shaking his feet against the barstool. He seemed very jittery, and every time the two said something about the game, the way they looked at each other hinted that they were fucking. Another indication of their so called hetero-ness, (yes I’m making up words) was the fact that they checked out every single girl at the bar. Now I know that even homosexual men check out women that are just what they do. But these guys seemed to be flirting with women at the bar, to appear hetero.
Their body language gave them away, their legs slowly began to turn towards each other, even as they were flirting with other women around them. Usually, in my experience, when two people have their legs towards each other, it shows not only that they are lovers but also that they are comfortable around each other. In a crowded room of strangers if you are sitting next to someone you know most likely you will cross your legs in that person’s direction, and not towards the stranger on the other side. Watch and learn my readers, watch and learn.
The two stayed at the bar for quite some time, taking turns going to the bathroom, and then when the game was over they finished their beers and went home, to no doubt fuck each other’s brains out. Now these are just observations and conjectures, of course Karen and I don’t have any proof of what we witnessed to actually be true. But there is no denying what we saw and how we felt about it.
I don’t know if women or men have it harder when it comes to dating. Single women everywhere are already complaining that the best looking, great guys are gay. And now the best looking, great guys can also be bi-sexual and keeping secrets from you. I am blessed to be in a relationship, but now what about Karen. What is she supposed to do? After wasting time with this man, she has to start from square one in the dating world.
“I always get the short end of the stick,” she recently told me. Luckily, she is young, attractive and she only needs to gain her confidence back, after being rejected by this man who she loved. Its hard enough to deal with your man cheating on you with women, but now with other men. And hopefully the confused Jason will decide what he actually wants in life, and won’t screw up any more women’s lives.
Its is imperative that women are cautious when they are out there in the dating world, because you may think you and your friend just met a couple of great guys, but you have no idea who he’s taking home.