It is no secret that I am a huge fan of the SATC series and movie, just read by blogs from 2008. I saw the sequel last night with my girlfriends and was sadly a little disappointed. The fashions were from out of this world. Patricia Field did an amazing job, as usual. Funniest fashion scene was when Samantha was on the red carpet supporting Smith Jerrod's new film, and teen queen Miley Cyrus had on the same outfit. Personally, I don't think Mily Cyrus should have been in that outfit, it was much more suitable for Samantha, even though she thought she was too old to wear such a thing.
The story line was pretty boring though. It just seemed like a long episode and not big screen worthy. I could have just stayed home and watched it on HBO. I feel like they tried to kick up the drama a little after the last movie, but most of the drama in this film was super exaggerated and a little unnecessary. Miranda had drama at work with a new boss who disrespected her, and she just gave up. She quit?! I don't get it, the old Miranda would have just stuck to her guns and fought back until she won, but instead she left her job, the one that she loved and fought to make partner at in the series. I think they could have shown more about that, but we are to just assume that she has struggled for some time with her new boss, and she reached the point of being fed up.
Charlotte's little drama was being concerned with her new live in nanny, which I don't understand why should even has one. She doesn't work, and she waiting her whole life to have children, and the first chance she gets she hires some Swedish babe who wears no bra around her husband and children. I am disapointed in Charlotte, but I suppose she had to do it to fit in to the upper east side society standard where the nanny takes care of the children and not the out of work mother. I thought SATC was to empower women a little more, but that is just me.
Samantha was still as funny as ever, and we witness her battling menopause, hot flashes and a lost of a sex drive, which is unusual for her. She is taking pills, and is sort of reminiscent of someone's grandmother with the daily pill box reminder. She is definitely embraces her age, by telling a store clerk she is 52, yet she tries to escape what all comes with being 52. She gets in trouble when the girls are in the Middle East by doing what she does best, being sexy and doing what is only natural to her. I was surprised to see Smith Jerrod, but glad they are still close and remained friends. After all she did rise him to fame, and rise him on many other occasions too.
Carrie's situation within itself is something that I have been dealing with. The ole' husband on the couch watching television, orders take out or take in, and never really wants to go anywhere situation. She struggles with being an actual wife and not being out there chasing men and being chased by them. You can tell she misses her whole life the freedom of coming and going, which is evident when Carrie goes to stay at her old apartment. Big misses their old life too, and I don't think they knew exactly what they were getting when they signed up for marriage.
I think people try so hard to impose their views of marriage and their own personal touches that newly married couples are confused. But as she always does Carrie puts her own spin on the marriage situation. She doesn't take it seriously. She writes a sattire on marriage, and is scrunized for not taking the committment serious enough. Carrie and Big like to come up with their own rules, which is what I believe people should do. You can not base your life on what other people want from you. Each marriage, like each individual, has its own personality. There are things that people will never understand about it, but they are not meant to. Marriage is personal and should only be understood by the people in it.
As for Carrie's alleged infidelity with Aiden, it seemed to be unnecessary. I don't like the fact that they brought him back, and the way he was brought back either. The commercials and promos for the film lead the audience to believe that something serious happens between the two of them, and that Big should be worried and/or threatened. I guess for all the Aiden fans, they were happy to see him come back. But Carrie is married to Big. You can't support her getting back with Aiden. Aiden and Carrie's story in my mind ended so long ago. Big is her soul mate and he is the one she is meant to be with. Even Carrie toys with the idea that for some reason she is meant to be with Aiden, but in the end she needs to remain with her husband.
All and all the fashions were great, the story line is a little crazy at times and completely out there. The girls look faboulous, and so do the boys. Do I really think they should make a 3rd one? Absolutely not. Let's leave it alone at this point.
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