So I just finished reading the book, and damn Sister Souljah did such a great job. I think that every single man and woman need to read this book. Midnight was only 14 years old just about the entire book, yet he seemed so much older and wiser. Because if his Islamic religion, he respected women, his family and himself. Although he had to deal with the temptations of Brooklyn, girls and even advances from older women, he held true to his beliefs. In a world such as New York, where it is so easy to loose yourself, he kept true to everything. As a young boy he transforms in to a man, when he takes Akemi as his wife, under the eyes of Allah and some witnesses. He even has to deal with his interracial relationship from being a with a Japanese girl, and catching the evil eyes from Black women. He dealt with so much at such a young age, and yet kept my respect the entire book.
After reading the book, I started thinking about how much women can ruin a man's life. Don't get all defensive women, but its just how I was feeling after wards. Midnight took so much care and consideration in taking care of his mother and younger sister. They were his world. Think about how many young men abandon their mothers for the love of the streets, the money and the hood. He never conformed in this story. He continued to pick his mother up from work every single day, and protect her from all men. Including having to murder someone who fell in love with his mother, after seeing her uncovered. Any challenge that came to him, he dealt with it. Even though all the so-called "flyest" women threw themselves at him, he kept his composure, because he not only didn't want to get involved, but he couldn't. His religion required that he waited until he got married to make love. Think about how many fast ass women take the virginity of men. I'm not in defense of men, because I know there are double that amount that take it from women. But do women even respect themselves enough to keep their virginity anymore? I don't know, i haven't been one for quite awhile. But if I could do it over again, i wish I would have waited for my soul mate, my true love and my husband.
Souljah make you look at women from a much different perspective, than The Coldest Winter Ever. Through Winter's eyes, she was always right, but now after reading Midnight's side of the story, so to speak, I understand why he rejected her. He rejected all those whorish women, who rocked their mini skirts and short shorts and halter tops. Women who most men would be all over, he rejected them. He went for someone who was a genius. I mean this girl, Akemi, was a fucking genius. She was gentle, she was feminine and she was a virgin. I wonder if men can really smell the desperation in women, especially when they throw themselves all over them. How can us women allow our portrayals to be so bad? And even worse, how can men take advantage of us in our times of weakness? They should be stronger, like Midnight, and hold their composure, like he was able to do. I don't understand what went wrong when it comes to our community and our people.
Its like everyone started in one place, and ended up all over the place. The only thing that upset me was how it ended, but I'm sure Souljah has jumped way ahead of everyone and left it up to our imagination. After all, we do know what happened to Midnight when dealing with Santiaga, and Winter. But even then he was so mysterious. Now we can understand why he was so mysterious and what really weighed on his heart, was his true love who he may or may not have lost. Damn, Winter just didn't know, she was so out of his league. And what I love the most about him, was his mysteriousness, and how he kept his religion and love for himself only. There was no need for him to explain himself to Winter, because she wouldn't understand, like most of those hood girls didn't. Yet they all fell madly in love with him. Its the most mysterious of men that attract women. And there are still those guys who brag, talk shit, and spit game at girls. Maybe they will realize that all of that doesn't work, and its the quiet guys that get the girls.
All I'm saying is read the book, buy the book and support your black Sister Souljah!
I read MIdnight ...it changed my life I ve yet to read the coldest winter ever though... from what youve written about it im gonna try to hunt it down..asap.-Joe
I'm pretty late reading your blog but I'm happy to see that there's someone out their who understood the book the way i did you made some awsome points nut all men can't be like midnight I was not born in Africa... I'm not muslim... I'am a 2oyr old Afro American who loves his country but disagree with some of the behavior in it...Midnight was incrediable with turnig down beautiful women who knew nothing about him but even he struggled with every mans weakness and that was women he was in love with bangs and didnt know what to do and she was a beautiful afro american girl who had some bumps n brusies in life midnight conflict with her mad him question his own religion because he wanted to help her and provide for her and change her life around he says it to himself on the train ride home after fixing up her room...Some of the things you said was easy said but not easily done!!!
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