I was so caught up yesterday and upset that I forgot to mention the Universal Studios back lot fire. I love Universal Studios, its only a few blocks away from my house, so when I turned on the television Sunday morning and found out about the fire I was devastated.
The studio tour is one of the best rides, so I was hurt to find out that the lot will never look the same again. Pieces of history were destroyed in that fire. The clock tower scene that was from a million movies, but more notably recognized from Back to the Future, has been destroyed.
The NYC scene, where, dare I say it, Sex and the City filmed an episode, and countless other movies, Bruce Almighty, Transformers, just to name a few, has also been burned to the ground. Two or three city blocks destroyed.
King Kong, one of the attractions on the ride, was also burned to the ground. I was looking forward to going this summer, when my boyfriend's sister comes out to visit, since they just opened the new The Simpsons ride. Its so sad to think that a part of history burned down and who knows if they will rebuild the sets to look the same, or if they will construct something entirely new.
The amazing thing, is that they had the same fire at Universal in 1990, and after that they implemented a sprinkler system in case the same thing happened again. Because of that high powered, highly effective system, the firefighters did not have enough water pressure to put out the fire.
Last year when I went, when my boyfriend's parents came to visit for my graduation, the studio tour recently added the Desperate Housewives set as a part of their tour. Needless to say, I was overjoyed. When we went last Halloween, for the horror nights, the studio tour sets serve as a haunted area where people can walk around and escape, Freddy, Jason and Leather face.
One of the the things that pissed me off, was the people complaining about the air and the smells. Plastic, wood and hair from King Kong were burning, sending smoke up God only knows how high. Obviously it would affect the air quality, but the fire started early in the morning, and if people bothered to turn on their damn televisions, as I do, every morning, regardless if its Sunday or not, then maybe they would have known not to go outside. I have asthma and really terrible allergies, so I stayed inside.
The amazing thing was, when these people were being interviewed on the news, they're standing outside, taking pictures and/or video recording the whole thing as it burned, and complained about the air. Take your ass inside. People can be ridiculous sometimes. Well, below are some images, that I found online. Its a sad, sad week in Hollywood. At least for me it is.

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