April 27, 2008

My Almost One Year in PR

PR was never for me; it is not a place where I fit in. I never really understood it and I honestly did not want to know about it. In college my friends and I would make fun of the PR students…they weren’t “real” journalists; they don’t have deadlines or editors breathing down their necks. So when my first job out of college was at a mid-level sized entertainment PR agency my peers from school were as equally confused as I was. Ever since I was a child I wanted to write for a newspaper or magazine, but after being told over and over again that I didn’t have enough experience for the world of reporting, writing and editing, although I wrote my first story when I was 9…writing is my passion, but PR was the only place that would take me.

I went through an agency, career strategist, who suggests PR; although it wasn’t for me they thought it would be a good fit with my journalistic background. What does PR have to do with journalism? Do they even write anything? I blindly accepted working at the agency, because I wanted to move on from my last job of 4 years which was even further removed from the world of journalism, an office assistant.

My first day impression of this unknown world was very strange to me. As I sat in the kitchen/ break room area waiting for my assignment, waiting to be trained by someone I noticed one by one girls marching in for coffee, breakfast and to store their lunches away in the refrigerator located behind me. There were other girls who were starting with me on that day and we were all waiting like me for our fate at this place. Of all the people who walked in and out of the kitchen, no one said hi, good morning, introduced themselves, nothing at all. I thought PR was a social environment but apparently I was wrong. Once I went through the initial where everything is and went to my seat in front of the computer, I began feeling a little more at ease.

Once I learned what my task was going to be, I was all set to take on my role as a “clipper,” sounded like a made up position in my opinion, but the pay was around the same as I was making before with a change of scenery for a while. Even after working there for a month I only knew a few people…and no one seemed to care or know who I was. I later learned that because of my temporary position that I really didn’t matter. Although I was told that if they wanted me to stay permanently then that choice was up to me. I noticed that all the women there were young but I didn’t know much about them, besides the fact that their heads were buried in front of their computers and they never laughed, smiled or EVER seemed happy while at work. I was used to communicating with people. Even in the newsroom, we would talk, about the stories on AP, about what was going in the paper, about the writers, the editors, and our paper…our business. But here, people only spoke when they absolutely had to. In the beginning I remained as quiet as possible, but I thought that I was going to loose my freaking mind after a while.

On my first day I was told that I would only be a temporary employee and if they wanted me to stay they would sign me on as permanent. The concept didn’t make since but I was sent to them from an agency. So as a temporary working my job title was that of a “clipper”. Sounded like a made up job in my opinion, but the pay was decent enough, after all I was only 23 and anything that paid the rent would be good enough for the time being.

People only actually spoke to me when they needed something clipped, or if I did something wrong with a clip. Other than that I was completely ignored for the rest of the summer...

Up until this point I was doing the same thing every day, clipping. I still didn’t understand what it had to do with PR. I started blocking people out and things around me out…it wasn’t a fun place to be. Not that work should be fun, but it should be interesting and doing the same mundane thing day after day was not interesting. I continued looking for a job in the meantime. But then I began feeling like people thought I was stupid with the questions they would ask me about certain computer programs that I wasn’t used to. “Haven’t you used Microsoft excel before?” – HELL NO! We didn’t need to use this program to produce a magazine or a newspaper.

“Have you ever used a Mac before?” – EVERY DAMN DAY! How else do you think I managed a magazine and helped monitor page layouts and edit my section using Adobe InDesign? Who the fuck did these people think they were? I’ve used a Mac since I was 13 producing the newspaper at my high school. Honestly working there, “clipping” I felt like I was loosing brain cells. In my down time, which I had a lot of in the beginning, I started reading Reuters, Associated Press, the Los Angeles and New York Times’ websites every chance I got so I wouldn’t become stupider from copying and fucking pasting.

It wasn’t until September when I was asked about a possible promotion. I would be working with another group of people, different from the ones I was currently working with. I would have had to take a test of writing a Press release, something I never did, and creating an excel spreadsheet of something called an outreach chart, something I’ve never heard of. I considered the promotion but after my plane landed at JFK, I was there for a wedding, the moment I turned my phone on, I received a phone call from one of the Tribune newspapers for a job interview. Now I am a firm believer in fate and signs and the fact that everything happens for a reason. But all of this happened within 8 hours of each other; I had to weigh my options very carefully. If I took the promotion, there would be no way I could go to the interview, plus PR was not what I wanted to do…working on at a paper was where I wanted to be. When I got back to work that Monday I called to set up the interview opportunity, and I turned down the offer.

Unfortunately, my old friend “experience” came back to bite me in the ass, and although I passed the writing and copy editing test, “perfectly” I believe is what the lady told me, it still wasn’t enough to land me a job. My personal side note for interviewers and places of employment… when you see someone’s resume can’t you decide right then and there if they have an ample amount of experience? Seriously don’t waste my time and get me excited. This has happened too many times in the year that I have been out of college. I interviewed to be a copy editor, a reporter, an editorial assistant and my longest shot yet, a publicity assistant. To all be told the same thing…not enough job experience. Apparently my passion, my burning desire since I was 9 years old is not enough! I created a magazine when I was 10! I wrote a script and directed a movie with my Barbie dolls when I was 11! I have written something every damn day since I was 14! – Ok my ranting is over. Now back to the story.

By that time, the PR agency hired someone else; they had no time to wait the entertainment world moves quickly. I was back to square one, continuing to be a temp clipping. People became nicer to me, even though I felt like I had to force it on them. I thought that I was so nice to everyone, but niceness doesn’t seemed welcomed in PR. Once I turned down the position I was just stuck. I started clipping for a new team. Within a couple of months they started wanting me to do more things for them, in the wake of a new high demand client. I taught myself how to use excel, since no one showed me how. I received help from some of the people who I sort of became friends with, since they were the nicest to me and I started to help out more. My day to day changed and I was becoming more comfortable with what I was doing. I thought my new team respected me a little more since they gave more to do. Little did I know I was slowly being prepared to take on my next role at the agency…?

The person who took the position in September from me quit in February. She and I became friends. We talked all the time and I felt like we understood each other. So her decision to quit at the last minute on a Friday came as a complete shock to me. I didn’t understand the difficulties that she faced in the position. It all seemed to be so easy to me. But she had some personal issues with a few of the girls, who I really didn’t know about.

Naturally I was offered the position because I was directly below her. This time I did the unthinkable and took the promotion. I gave up on looking for another job. Was I meant to be in PR? Was this the place for me? I started thinking about things happening for a reason, and me not being the ultimate decider in my own fate. From our Christmas party at work, when I met with someone who was called a psychic/ spiritual advisor, and after speaking with that person again over Christmas break I was told that I need to focus on my dream of writing. And she told me not to get caught up in what I was doing. So I thought about it…and thought for weeks. I spoke with my family and my boy friend and decided that I can do PR during the day and write at night. Because after all, I have to pay rent and my bills, I don’t live at home with my parents, I take care of myself.

So I took the position…and I stayed. Every single day and night I worked and every morning I felt like I was hit by a train from being so tired. I honestly had no idea what I got myself in to. I had to help maintain five accounts and I tried to do everything that I could possibly do to make it right. When I first started working there I befriended the receptionist, because she was the only person who spoke to me in the beginning. But there was trouble because I would open up and talk to her about things that was going on…and let’s face it, she was very nosy. What else does a receptionist have to do, but be nosy? I was scolded from gossiping with her about work from the very beginning, but I honestly thought she was the only one who had my back. So I stopped communicating with her on a level that was more than “Hi” and “Bye.” I felt like I was forced to communicate only with my team. There was this type of an isolation that my team had. They didn’t really communicate with anyone else nor did they want to. They accused me of making them come off as bitches to the rest of the agency because of the reasons why the other girl who quit got out…not from me solely because she was friends with other people there, but it just seemed strange. I didn’t really connect it at first, but I felt like I was back in high school, or on the set of Mean Girls. I isolated myself once again from everyone else. I just worked, never really took a lunch and ended up loosing 6lbs. in two months time. I would work until 1 a.m. some nights and on the weekends to try to fix things. I thought that I was making my job easier when in actuality I was making everything more difficult for myself.

And I still didn’t learn that much about PR after a month in to my new position. After one of our team members felt like we were all miserable our boss decided to take us to Happy Hour. I must honestly say that I was not “happy” at our scheduled time to drink. I wanted to drink as much as possible and shut the hell up because I felt like everything that was being said was a complete trap and a set up. I went home and cried that night, and from that moment home I was unhappy at work. With the exception of a few people I hated my job; I hated what I was doing and the people that I was surrounded by. I felt uncomfortable every single day and I just wanted to go home. When I finally confided in some people at work about how I felt, I received sympathy and what I thought was an understanding from my team mates. Day after day my anxiety would build up to the point that I wanted to walk out and just leave everything I had there. I would cry at work, when I had to stay late to work, I became so weak and sensitive to everything that was said to me. I felt like I was in boot camp and was slowly being broken down to mere nothingness.

This wasn’t me. I am a strong, independent woman who knows herself and knows what I want out of life. I was not this weak person crying and missing lunch all for a job that I didn’t want from the beginning. I love lunch! I love to eat! Although people suggested that I speak to my boss about my feelings of anxiety, people who were closer to me, my family and my boyfriend suggested I just bail out of there.

Last Monday I gave my two weeks notice and I feel so relieved. Although it is hard for me to explain what PR is, or what it should be I learned more about myself. I learned not to trust people in the work place and that in moments of weakness it is better to vent and let everything out at home. I couldn’t imagine exploding on my boss how overwhelmed I felt, because honestly she thought I could handle every single thing that was thrown at me. But this world of unrealistic deadlines and goals seems so imaginary. I had to be a mind reader, a magician and smile the whole time while trying to figure out the next steps all at once. It takes a special person to work at this agency apparently, because after speaking to another career strategist who told me that the longest person from their strategist lasted at this particular PR agency only 13 months, I could only laugh. It was so true!

People came and go just about every month from the time I started. Whether they were let go or quit, no one seemed to last there. With the exception of a handful of people, who I honestly think just got comfortable; no one seemed to last over a year. Five girls in one year alone in my particular position! Does that not seem like a problem? That would honestly disturb me if I was a boss. Changes would have to made, but in my last week or so left, nothing changed at all. I don’t even have a job lined up...so why not stay? What was the point of putting myself through all of this unhappiness to not even move on to a better opportunity?

Because a writer will sacrifice any relationship, anything – mother, father, husband and child – for the sake of a good story. And the next story is only a click away.

April 20, 2008

To Wed or Not to Wed

I originally wrote this story three years ago when everyone around me was either getting a divorce or getting engaged. I started thinking about my own relationship; we’ve been together for 6 years now so marriage is naturally the next step. But after witnessing my friends and family go through divorces around me at the youngest age of 30 I started thinking what the rush is? I am only 24 years old. Why should I get married now; just because everyone else is getting married or because it is the current trend of young people? After reading the LA Weekly Story: “How to Get Divorced by 30?” all the thoughts that I had about not wanting to rush in to marriage because I was too afraid of getting divorced came back to me. And I remembered this story that I wrote. So hopefully you will enjoy!

* Names have been changed to protect the innocent. I did research and talk to all these people. I’ve known many of them for 5 years and one couple I’ve known them my whole life.

To Wed or Not to Wed

Summer 2005

Go to google.com and type in “marriage and divorce,” and there it is: “Start your divorce online now!”

It’s that easy! And if you don’t have a divorce lawyer google.com has links to California divorce lawyers and Orange County divorce lawyers. Marriage and divorce have been a hot topic around me; people are getting engaged, others a splitting up and divorcing and it makes me wonder is it worth it to get married?

I don’t understand why certain relationships become unhappy after marriage. I know people whose relationships were fine until they got married and now at the age of 30 they are divorcing? Is marriage really worth it if you’re just going to divorce in the long run?

Natalie and John Moore* are separating after only five years of marriage. “We both want different things in our lives at this moment,” says the 30 year old, who recently completed her degree in Journalism. “I think maybe we were too young when we got married. John wants to start a family and I’m ready to start my career.” John, 38, is devastated with Natalie’s decision to end their marriage. She is moving back to her home country to get far away from him. “Our marriage feels like it was a sham,” says John. “I really loved her, but I feel like she just used me.”

“I just need to start over, I’m not finding any work in Los Angeles so I think going back home and clearing my head and seeing my family will either make me change my mind, or stick to my decision,” says Natalie. The couple met 8 years ago in New York and after dating for 3 years they decided to marry and move to Los Angeles.

According to a 2002 study by Divorce Magazine, men first get married at the age of 27 and women at the age of 25. The age of divorce for men is 30 and for women it is 29. So does this mean that most marriages in the U.S. are only lasting for 3.5 years?

The median duration of first marriages that end in divorce is approximately 8 years. The study also says that only 65% of marriages make it to the 10th year of their anniversary and only 5% make it to their 50th year of marriage. What happened to death do us part? I guess it went out the window.

Miranda and Joseph Thomas* first met in high school and they have been together ever since, that was over 20 years ago. Their marriage faced hardships early on; Miranda’s uncle was died from cancer and the couple spent their honeymoon at a funeral.

They spent the first 10 years of their marriage trying to conceive but Miranda miscarried every time. “It was hard on us to be so young and so unhappy,” said Miranda. “Joseph just wanted a son and I just wanted a girl.” Finally the couple thought that their dreams were answered when Miranda was pregnant with twins. “I was so happy, we couldn’t have asked for anything more.” Unfortunately in Miranda’s third trimester her father was diagnosed with cancer and due to the stress and unhappiness of the mother-to-be, she lost the babies. Their marriage took a turning point, the couple moved in with her parents to help take care of Miranda’s father.

“It was so hard for us to just be ‘normal’ due to all the shit we were going through in our lives. We were only in our thirties, but I suddenly felt like an old man,” said Joseph. “I kept asking Miranda, didn’t you just move out of your parent’s house to be with me? Why are we back here? We just bought a condo and I wasn’t ready to sell it.”

Joseph found himself going back and forth from their condo to her parent’s house to help with the father. The couple didn’t even have a chance to enjoy each other alone. “We didn’t sleep in the same bed for a long time and didn’t have sex anymore. She was stressed about her father, loosing the babies and about my unhappiness. But I couldn’t leave her, not in that state of mind,” said Joseph.

“I lost weight, I cut off all my hair, I just wanted it to be easier for taking care of daddy,” said Miranda.

Unfortunately all of this unhappiness led Joseph to explore other sexual options. Joseph began cheating and with Miranda constantly at her parent’s house the condo gave him the perfect opportunity. Joseph has cheated on Miranda several times and suspicions are that he is doing it again. Their marriage has gone through a lot but Miranda is tired of the infidelity and she is headed for court to file a divorce. After her father passed Miranda just stayed at her parents house all the time because it was comfort for her. She spent 5 years of her already 15 year marriage there. She still lives with her mother to take care of her and Joseph comes and goes as he pleases.

“I can’t divorce him I want to make it work between us. We have been together since we were 15 and I love him. Family is the most important thing so of course I have to be there to take care of them,” said Miranda.

Joseph didn’t want to comment anymore on his marriage but he did add that, “bad luck surrounds her and her family. We have been to so many funerals for people in her family, and I just can’t deal with it anymore. It is so depressing.”

*Note…I wrote this in 2005; Joseph and Miranda are still in the same situation.

Married women you need to pay attention to these shocking statistics that came from a poll in Oprah Magazine in 2004, 1 in 3 men remove their wedding rings when they go out without their wives. 1 in 3 of the husbands! So if six married men came in to a bar there will be two of them without their wedding rings, single women look out! Look for the tan lines. There are 80% of men who were caught cheating and only 64% of those couples stayed together after the affair. Of those couples that remained together after the affair 78% describe their marriage as unhappy and empty. This leads me to our next couple.

Brenda and Steven Robinson* have known each other since they were 6 years old. YES! 6 years old! They have been married for over 20 years and have two children together. Steven’s job, (I was asked to protect his job title) let’s just say a computer analyst, requires him to travel all the time and Brenda is an interior decorator. If you were to see these two in public you would think they were so happy together. They compliment each other. But their history as a couple does not look so pleasant. Four years ago Brenda caught Steven cheating on her with one of his co-workers. She was devastated to discover that the love of her life, her soul mate would do such a thing.

“He was always gone. There were times when he wouldn’t even come home for days and I would have to explain to the children where their father was.”

Brenda was crying every day wondering where he was. “I asked him why! How could you do this to me? He told me, ‘You are a selfish bitch! You only care about yourself and I’m tired of not being your equal’.”

Brenda cried everyday for months. She lost over 20 pounds and fell in to a deep depression. She believed that her marriage is worth it and she would rather be in the marriage unhappy then alone and unhappy.

Listening to this story led me to ask myself; Why do people choose to be in marriage if they are unhappy? Are there still people out there that have the same love about their spouses like they did in the beginning?

Even though Steven has cheated on Brenda she has forgiven him and they have moved on with their lives. Just talking about him and remembering all the things they went through brings a smile to her face. She has a genuine love for him; and when asked about the infidelity she laughs and just remembers how she felt during those years in their marriage. She told me that it was all worth it because she was able to view herself differently and she gained a deep understanding about why he cheated on her to begin with. She doesn’t blame herself but in some ways she does, because she was a selfish person at that time and he wanted more from her. That doesn’t excuse his behavior but she appreciates their marriage and what they have gone through and they love each other more and more everyday.

* Note…since 2005 Brenda is suspicious that Steven is cheating on her again. He travels for weeks at a time to India, Paris and China. She made him take her with him to Paris, because she discovered he had two plane tickets. So she went, stayed at the hotel miserable while he “worked.” She was unable to comment, but after talking to others who are close to her, she is very unhappy, and refuses to leave him.

With these three scenarios it seems that marriage is not all what it’s cracked up to be? It looks good on paper and the wedding ceremony seems like a nice thing to go to but what happens after the honeymoon is over. I’m still young but I need to know what happens afterwards. Do people just move on with their lives and stay happy? Or am I doomed to the same unhappy fate as others? There are only a select few married couples that I know who are still happy in their marriages. It’s hard for me to make sense of the excuse that people change over time. If that is what’s known before the marriage then what’s the point of getting married to begin with. If someone was to tell me that your marriage is going to end in divorce or that my husband would cheat on me then why would I want to go through that heart ache and pain?

Why do married people cheat? For better or for worse til’ death do us part… or until Jennifer, Connie, Bill and Paul break up the marriage. My original thought about cheating lead me to further investigate what’s the point of reciting those vows when people just end up cheating anyway? I just don’t understand what leads married people to cheat on their spouses. If someone is unhappy in their marriage chances are that they were unhappy in their relationship from the beginning so why did they get married?

(*Note….this update was made during the time I did this story)

As for Joseph and Miranda’s marriage, Joseph does not condone his behavior but he does want Miranda to know that he still loves her and cares about her. They met in high school and they have been together ever since. Joseph is not planning on marrying or staying committed to the “Jane Doe” that he cheated on Miranda with but he feels like he needs a break from their marriage. Joseph didn’t have a reason as to why he originally began cheating on Miranda but he did agree with my theory that he was unhappy with the relationship from the beginning so they should have never married. Joseph says that unfortunately it happens too often that people get together when they are young and get married because they have just been together already; and then the problems arise later.

In the 2000 study there were 89% of unmarried couples living together and of those living together 70% of them eventually marry and about 50% of those marriages ended in divorce. So I figure that I have a 50/50 chance if my boyfriend and I were to get married. Do people make up their own statistics based on what they hear and read or are these stats just by chance? I want to be able to make my own destiny and not become just another statistic on a website. To wed or not to wed is the question, but if my boyfriend asks “Will you marry me?” I am not sure how to answer that question with all my information and friends who I’ve witnessed go through horrible situations.

April 13, 2008

How to Get Divorced by 30

From LA Weekly

A beginner’s guide to ending your starter marriage


Wednesday, March 26, 2008 - 12:00 pm

I was on the way to the gym when my older sister called me from New York to discuss my upcoming 30th birthday. It was six months away, but with such a big milestone, she wanted to start planning way in advance. Did I want a huge party or a small dinner? Casual dress or cocktail attire? Whom would I invite? Did I want to go somewhere? Vegas? Miami? Or did I want to stay in L.A.?

As I pondered these options, one definitive thought struck me: Regardless of what city I was in, what I was wearing or what I had planned, I didn’t want Dan on the guest list. I didn’t want Dan to be anywhere near me on my 30th birthday. I wanted my 30th to be free of status quo mediocrity.

This thought was both overwhelming and freeing, and struck me with such force that I burst into tears. I quickly got off the phone with my sister, citing bad reception, pulled into the gym parking lot and sobbed. Dan was my husband. And as I cried for the first time about the state of my marriage, I knew I would be divorced by 30.

There are countless paths to getting divorced by 30, and this is a guide to the most common ones — 15 simple steps to guide you on your way to ending your starter marriage. But if you are a traditionalist, storybook romantic or just lazy and don’t want to get divorced by 30, then read this article and do the opposite of what my friends and I did.

Yes, five of my closest friends all got married around 27 years old, and all got divorced by 30. To protect the innocent, I will call them Michelle, Aaron, Alise, Robert and Liz.

My parents, who have been together for more than 35 years, also believe in getting the first one over with. My mother’s first husband was a charming, philandering cad, and my father had so little to say to his first wife, he avoided being alone with her even on their honeymoon. Because their second choices seemed to go so well, they are big believers in the get-divorced-by-30 philosophy.

Dan and I met six years earlier, when we both worked at the world-famous Hollywood Improv on Melrose. I was a writer/cocktail waitress. He was an actor/bartender. It was a romance made in L.A. heaven. I had only weeks before broken up with my live-in boyfriend when Dan and I had our first date.

I had met my previous boyfriend at a Seder when I was in college. He was 10 years older than I, had just returned from a Peace Corps stint building villages in Africa, and was about to finish his veterinary schooling. I believed he was much smarter than I was, and because I felt intellectually inferior, I allowed him to bully me constantly. At first, his condescending antagonism was exciting and challenged me to become a well-rounded person. I read nonfiction. Figured out where Chad was on a map. And even went camping. But my admiration of his intelligence soon turned into resentment, and we couldn’t get through a day without screaming at each other. He relentlessly corrected and nitpicked at me. The last straw came at a Peruvian restaurant three years into our relationship. A girl walked in wearing a purple pea coat. I said, “I like her pea coat.” He said, “Well, technically, it has to be navy blue to be a pea coat.”

So weeks later, when I got to know superchill, pot-smoking, laid-back, friendly, smart-yet-not-hostile Dan, I thought: This is the guy for me! And that is the first step to getting divorced by 30.

STEP ONE: Jump from your horrible early-20s relationship right into a mid-20s relationship without learning or growing or pondering what you really want out of a mate — then marry that person.

By your late 20s, you’ll realize you were merely over-correcting the first person’s flaws and that the one you married is just as wrong for you as the one you didn’t, but in very different ways.

STEP TWO: Marry an actor.

When I mentioned to family friend Buck Henry that I was marrying Dan, he said one of two things would happen: Dan would never succeed as an actor, and I would resent his constant struggles and feelings of inadequacy and leave him. Or he would succeed and leave me for someone younger and skinnier. Either way, it would not end well. Buck, as always, was right.

STEP THREE: Believe that opposites attract.

From day one, I knew Dan and I had major conflicts. I liked to go out. He didn’t. He liked to smoke pot. I didn’t. He was a meat-and-potatoes-eating, plaid-shirt-wearing, baseball-obsessed Chicago guy. I was a turkey-burger-and-salad-eating, pointy-boots-wearing, reality-show-obsessed Miami Beach girl. But we pushed all those inherent differences aside and were determined to make it work. For a time, we enjoyed doing things the other enjoyed. I went to a few Cubs games. He went to a few dance clubs. But as time passed, we became comfortable enough with the relationship to stop doing things the other person enjoyed, and only did the things we enjoyed. So, although we had happy times curled up in bed, we didn’t spend any time together out in the world.

After two years of dating, we decided it was time to move in together. Our fundamental oppositeness, however, was reflected in where we lived. I lived in Miracle Mile and loved being surrounded by fun bars and restaurants and museums.

He lived in Venice and loved being surrounded by the ocean, the grime and the homeless hippies.

But I was looking forward to living together and putting an end to the constant overnight bags, so I gave up my love of Hollywood and headed west. We rented a cute, two-bedroom bungalow on the canals, and I did enjoy the ducks and the jogs on the beach. But I felt isolated from my friends, who were just miles away. And I loved complaining about it. So now

I was unhappy living in Venice, but happy to have something to complain about. And Dan was happy living in Venice, but unhappy I had something to complain about.

STEP FOUR: Adhere to an arbitrary timetable.

In the back of my mind, no matter how independent, untraditional and nondomestic I pretended to be, I always had a timetable. Date for two years, and then move in. If that goes well, get engaged at three years. And then get married.

The night before our three-year anniversary, I stayed up fantasizing about how Dan might propose, the ring he would painstakingly pick out for me, and how we would shop for a condo together. By the end of the next day, it was apparent that not only was Dan not planning on proposing — he had actually forgotten it was our anniversary!

I yelled at him, and all my quiet hopes came loudly spilling out. He was dumbfounded. He had no idea he was supposed to propose, no idea I had a relationship schedule in my head, no idea that even though I pretended to hate clichéd romantic gestures, I still craved them. Dan told me he didn’t quite see the point of marriage. And, of course, I came back with the age-old, “Well, if it doesn’t matter one way or the other, then why not just get married?”

Which led to ...

STEP FIVE: Give a passive-aggressive ultimatum.

Three weeks after our three-year anniversary, Dan rolled over in bed and said, “So, how do you want to do this?” And I knew that was a marriage proposal. Not the kind I really wanted, but I took it.

His complete lack of enthusiasm toward our three-year relationship, and my focus on our future instead of our present, should have been indicators that it was a great time to walk away. To realize our best days together had passed. But in the same way you might continue to watch a TV show years after it jumps the shark because the first season was so good, Dan and I both plodded on. Because our first season together was amazing at times. We would get off work at 2 a.m., steal carrot cake from the Improv fridge, and eat it in bed while reciting hacky comedy bits we had heard that night for the 80th time. We would laugh hysterically, until we started choking on that amazingly sweet cream-cheese icing. In the beginning, Dan had no money, so he would give me bouquets of sour-apple Blow Pops — my favorite flavor. And I would happily clean out the piles of head shots and soda cans from his car. Soon the Blow Pops stopped coming. And instead of me cleaning his car, I nagged him to do it.

I was so invested in my timetable that I didn’t give myself the option to not get married. Instead, I gave him a lot of attitude about not wanting to marry me. And he fell into the trap of begrudgingly giving me what I thought I wanted.

If you feel your mate is moving forward in the relationship only because it seems like the thing to do, because you have given him a passive-aggressive ultimatum or because you have been harping about it for weeks, go for it! You will be divorced in a few years. Guaranteed.

STEP SIX: Get married for a down payment.

My desire to get married was caused by a combination of factors. My backwards notion that being married would make me a complete person; my rigid internal clock; and the fact that I really, really wanted to own property in Los Angeles, and at the rate my career was going, I would never be able to afford a place on my own.

My father always told my sister and me we could have either a big, fancy wedding or a down payment. And I wanted that down payment. It wasn’t my only reason to get married, but it was a reason. That, and I loved Dan, of course.

STEP SEVEN: Plan the divorce while you plan the wedding.

After the rollover proposal, I went by myself to a jewelry store and bought my ring. Dan paid me back with a check. It might have been the least-romantic purchase of an engagement ring in the history of courtship, but I bragged to friends and family that we were such an amazing couple that we didn’t need the usual silly traditions.

We were the type of couple who could be honest with each other about how many people we had slept with. Dan could smoke pot and play Grand Theft Auto for hours on end without me getting upset. I could go out with my friends, get drunk and come home in the middle of the night, and he wouldn’t be fazed. We never felt jealous or threatened, and we rarely fought. We were the couple that other couples envied.

While trying on rings, I was vaguely aware that I specifically picked something nontraditional — dozens of beautiful, glistening pave diamonds instead of a larger stone — so I could wear it on my right hand after the divorce. Of course, I kept this to myself. I was planning my divorce at the same time I was planning my wedding.

STEP EIGHT: The invitations have already gone out.

So if I was already thinking about divorce, then why plan the wedding? Because the train had already left the station, and it felt too late to turn back now. And because planning the wedding was fun, exciting and a great distraction from my usual life.

We had only 38 guests, lots of cupcakes and no cheesy band. It was held at my close friend Michelle’s house.

Michelle had just gotten married three months before. The big diamond rock on her finger came with an over-the-top Beverly Hills wedding with fake snow and a fairy-tale dress. Her husband was a successful standup comic. That, incidentally, is STEP TWO, Subset B: Marry a comedian. Comedians are even worse than actors because they are not only battling between total self-absorption and insecurity; they are constantly trying to be funny.

My wedding was perfect. I walked down the makeshift aisle to Joe Jackson’s “Is She Really Going Out With Him?” My friend Mat, who is a talented comedy writer, got ordained online at the Universal Life Church and married us with a tight seven-minute set. Our vows consisted of jokes about Dan’s countless fruitless auditions and my bouts of neurotic rewrites of movie scripts. Nowhere in our vows did we say anything about “till death do us part” or words like love and forever. I ate for the first time in months at our reception. And everyone laughed when Dan’s best man raised a glass and toasted us with “To the best five years of your life.”

STEP NINE: Compromise to the point that both parties are unhappy.

After the wedding, Dan and I bought a condo in the Valley with the money my father gave us for a down payment. I hated living in Venice. Dan hated Hollywood. So we settled on a place we’d both hate: Sherman Oaks.

STEP TEN: Cling to distractions.

The other big postwedding purchase was a giant flat-screen TV we named Ruby.

Dan sat in his chair and smoked pot. I sat on my couch and constantly did my nails. And we watched Ruby together. Hours and hours of TV watching. The next two years became a blur of previous seasons of Amazing Race, Deadwood and Lost. One summer, we watched so much Alias that my cat Spork actually learned how to meow to the opening song. It was as though Dan and I never needed to say another word to each other, because we were now married.

I went to work. Dan went to work. At this point, I was getting writing jobs and he was getting acting jobs. Years before, when we worked at the Improv, we needed each other for support and encouragement and a sense of stability in a crazy, scary town that will eat your soul and then puke it up because it has too many calories.

But we both got to a point where we didn’t need each other so much anymore. And although there was plenty of general contentment, there was no more need. And at the time, we both mistook need for love. So once the need was gone, there wasn’t much to fill up the space. Except for Ruby.

On a Saturday night, soon after my realization that I didn’t want Dan at my 30th-birthday party, he and I were watching Match Point on Ruby. Toward the end of the movie, he pressed pause, turned to me and said earnestly, “If you ever want a divorce, just ask. No problem. But please, don’t kill me.” I laughed and at the same time felt a deep pang of loneliness. He knew me so well. While watching Jonathan Rhys Meyers get away with murder, I was in fact thinking I could just kill Dan. In a warped way, it seemed a better solution. Instead of becoming a cold-hearted, baggage-laden divorcée, I would be a grief-stricken, mysterious widow. Assuming I didn’t get caught, of course.

And how could I want to divorce a man who not only knew what I was thinking, but also had the sense of humor to joke about me murdering him? But watching Dan rock in his chair and take another hit off his pipe, I became certain that knowing someone doesn’t mean you should be married to him or her. Sometimes truly knowing someone makes you see you shouldn’t.

Once I realized I didn’t want Dan at my birthday party, I started to confide my unhappiness to my closest friends. Maybe divorce is catching. Once a friend does it, you realize it is a viable option — like suicide. Most people who commit suicide have had a close friend or family member previously do the same. Or maybe divorce isn’t contagious, and it’s just a coincidence that at 29 years old, most of my friends were also unhappy in their marriages. Their experiences add to the list of steps to take if you want to be divorced by 30. Such as ...

STEP ELEVEN: Move in together to save money.

After being married for five years, my friend Aaron was a shell of his once-acerbic self. His path to getting divorced by 30 was to move in with his girlfriend way too quickly because it made financial sense. Then, once moved in, they fell into wedding plans and a marriage. Their wedding was spectacular. Guys in gorilla costumes and everything. But once again, the wedding does not make the marriage. Like many men, Aaron did not leave his wife. He just brooded in quiet misery until she left him. Now single in his early 30s, he has never been happier, in his usual curmudgeonly way.

STEP TWELVE: All your friends are doing it.

Like a Christian kid doing the bar mitzvah circuit in eighth grade, you can feel pretty left out if you’re not part of the 27-year-olds’ wedding circuit. No parties. No presents. No center of attention. That’s how my friend Liz felt, so she decided it was time to get a boyfriend quick, and get married even quicker. She married the first person who came along. Even though he was in an awful band, called her the wrong name in bed once and never paid for dinner.

Liz’s marriage lasted only three months. She is now 30, much wiser, and I’m pretty sure she will be more discerning before getting engaged again.

STEP THIRTEEN: Marry your high school sweetheart.

Although marrying your high school sweetheart is a safe bet to end in divorce by 30, we continually view it as the height of romance.

Robert and his HS GF briefly broke up in college, only to decide two weeks later they couldn’t live without each other. They got married their senior year and enjoyed the constant cooing whenever anyone asked how they met. It was 10th-grade biology. He sat behind her. She passed him a note. And after their first date at the mall, nothing was going to get in the way of their intense, I-will-die-for-you first love. Except when at 28 years old, he realized they had little in common other than lots of memories. Which brings me to ...

STEP FOURTEEN: Ignore your spouse and dive into a new addiction.

To escape from his daily discontentment, Robert started playing World of Warcraft. Once he hit level 70, his wife had an affair with a co-worker. And he was divorced soon after.

STEP FIFTEEN: Beat a dead horse.

This general late-20s relationship melancholy transcends sexual orientation. Although not technically married, my friend Alise went to the West Hollywood courthouse to get domestic-partner papers with her live-in girlfriend of three years. A year later, Alise was tired of the lesbian bed death, the constant talking riddled with miscommunications, and the biweekly therapy sessions.

Marriage shouldn’t be that hard, and if it is, it’s time to leave. The brink of 30 is a good age to realize that beating a dead horse won’t make it move any faster.

Once You’ve Made It Through the Steps

Aaron, Alise, Liz, Robert, Michelle and I all got divorced within a month of one another. Michelle and I actually left our husbands on the same day.

Each couple had different degrees of fighting and sadness and aftermath. After struggling with my feelings for a few months, I couldn’t ignore my despondency any longer. I waited for Dan to come home, and the minute he walked through the door, I said, “I’m unhappy and think we should get a divorce.” He said, “Okay.” It turns out he was unfulfilled as well. I was just the first one to say it. Which makes sense, since I was always the chronically list-making, perpetually planning, compulsive organizer. And he was the laid-back, pot-smoking, expend-as-little-energy-as-possible guy.

Like Aaron and Robert with their spouses, Dan waited for me to decide to leave. Men are more comfortable with the status quo. Even if that status sucks. Even Alise, who was sort of the “girl” in the relationship, made the decision to leave her wife. My theory on this is that men are ultimately too lazy to get divorced. The numbing misery is better than the paperwork.

A few days after Dan and I spoke, I flew to Miami to get away and to tell my parents I was getting divorced. Minutes after being picked up at the airport, while driving over the causeway, I blurted out that Dan and I were done. My mother sighed and said, “It’s very sad when a five-year marriage only lasts two and a half years.” Then my father asked if I had a quarter for the toll.

Their casual attitude calmed me down considerably. It was just divorce, after all. Scary, yes, but I would get through it and come out the other end new and improved. When Dan told his family I wanted a divorce, they were convinced I was just trying to avoid rewriting my latest script. I thought this was extremely funny but not at all true. And just to prove them wrong, I finished my rewrites before we even divided up the china.

I got back from Miami, and Dan and I began the unpleasant process of sleeping in separate rooms, reviewing where it all went wrong and putting the condo on the market. He jokingly blamed MTV for our divorce, since I had been working there for the past year. I jokingly blamed the Cubs, since they, of course, hadn’t played well for the past year.

Dan and I didn’t need a lawyer, because we weren’t contesting anything. We would sell the condo and split the profits, if there were any. We each took a bookshelf. Dan would take Ruby and pay me for half of her. And I, of course, would keep Spork, who had been my cat pre-Dan.

As we were packing up our divorce documents, I started telling Dan some story, and he said, “We aren’t married anymore. I don’t have to feign interest.” And the reality of the situation hit us. We were doing the right thing by not fighting to keep the marriage together. There were no kids. No reason to live in misery year after year. Better to cut our losses now and never look back.

The plan was, Dan would move out once he found his own place in Venice, where he really wanted to live. And I would stay in the condo until it sold. A few uncomfortable days later, he signed a lease, and his best man came over to help him move out his chair and bookcase and Ruby. I didn’t mean to be home for this but timed it a bit wrong and walked in just as Dan was walking out for the last time. He gave me a knowing nod and said, “Well, bye.” And I said, “Bye.” And Dan was gone.

I slowly walked around the now half-empty condo in a daze, feeling like I was in purgatory. Everything was in flux. It wasn’t my home anymore, but I didn’t have a new one. I would be legally divorced soon, but technically wasn’t yet. I was on the precipice of a seemingly momentous birthday, but wasn’t quite there. This overwhelming feeling of transition was paralyzing, and I just stood in the center of the living room and stared at the blank walls. And then I glanced into the kitchen and saw the garbage.

Dan had been taking out the garbage for years. It was my least-favorite job, and one he naturally adopted once we moved in together. Maybe I’m setting women back 20 years by writing this, but taking out the garbage is dirty, smelly, unwieldy and, plain and simple, a man’s job. And all of a sudden, it hit me: From now on, I was going to have to take out the garbage myself.

Before I understood what was happening, the tears welled up in my eyes, I crumpled to the floor, and I sobbed. This was the second time I cried during my entire divorce process.

I wasn’t really weeping about the trash, but about the death of my relationship. But it was much easier to concentrate on the garbage. So after a few minutes of self-indulgent keening, I picked myself up off the floor, marched over to the garbage, pulled the bag out of the can and bravely took it to the dumpster down the hall.

After tossing it into the stinky dumpster, I felt a surge of accomplishment. I thought, If the worst part of divorce is taking the garbage out, I am going to be just fine.

That week, I bought myself a new TV, 2 inches bigger than Ruby, and named it Stringer Bell. I was on a Wire kick. I frantically cleaned the condo so it would be spotless for the hordes of people who came to the open houses. And I marveled at myself in the mirror. I had effortlessly lost 15 pounds.

One night, a few days after Dan moved out, I met Michelle for drinks at a bar off Pacific Coast Highway. A strange phenomenon occurred as two newly divorced 29-year-olds watched the sunset. We both saw each other’s eyes for the first time in years. We stared at each other in amazement. We were independent. Unchained. Free. Ready to make a whole new set of mistakes in our 30s.

For my birthday, I decided on a small lunch with close friends, afternoon shopping with my sister and mother, who had flown into town, and, in the evening, a big party at a bar with lots of acquaintances. I didn’t drink much, and was in bed by midnight. The whole thing was anticlimactic. But I fell asleep that night as a 30-year-old who knew I would never again be unhappy on someone else’s terms. I would only be unhappy on my own terms.

And with that thought, I slept soundly.

My first blog

So okay, I watched the movie Juno and it inspired me to start this blog. I know I'm late, but I don't have a lot of time to watch films, so when I do, I tend to react.

I am a first time blogger long time blog reader and writer. Currently I work at a PR agency, however PR is not what I want to do with my life. If I could write all day and night for a living I would be ecstatic! But I have to pay the bills, so I am stuck for now.

I have tried to find a job at newspapers and magazines, went on interviews at some of the top publications, but I was told, "You don't have enough experience." Whatever that means...so here I am blogging my heart away.

This blog will not only be about me, but I will also post things that I have worked on, my ideas for stories that I will be working on, as well as excerpts from my book that I am working on.

I would like to submit my work, however I'm a big fat chicken shit. THERE I HAVE SAID IT! I have all the information to submit to publications, the Writer's Market Handbooks from 2005 to 2008, freelance manuals for writing and tons of contact information. I just turned 24 last week and I am working on being braver. By now I should be able to stand up for myself and go for what I want in life, but it is easier said than done :)

So I have started here, blogging, and hopefully I can develop readers and generate some kind of an audience. So stay tuned, I have a lot to say.

Singing off for now
